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Besättningen i 49:an utgordes av detta gäng Hösten 2013.  Linnea Dolk i 1:an, Rebecca Blom i 2:an, Nikolina Johansson i 3:an, Jenny Jansson i 4:an, Jessica Aplerud i 5:an och Andreas Sjöberg i 6:an

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


Under nästan hela sommaren 2013 bodde sex sköterskor från Malmö. De hade samtliga sina först jobb efter examen vid sjukhuset. Ett verkligen fint sammansvetsat gäng, som det var lika roligt att träffa varje gång jag kom in till dem.
Från vänster bakre raden : Nidal Alshaer, Katarina Hagström, Johanna Lörd
Främre raden :  Martin Krantz, Emmie Gärdefors, Villiam Nilsson

Wednesday, 21 August 2013



I had a great time living in the house. The location first of all is perfect. Inside the walls of Visby it is just few minutes relaxed walking to the University, with the condition that you wake up on time else you will be running to arrive on time to class. Apart from that I won’t forget my exceptional roommates that where always fun to be around with and very helpful when you needed something. Good times! Whether it was cooking together, playing cards, taking a walk or just sitting in the kitchen and talking. I really won’t forget my time in Visby and I couldn’t have chosen a better place to stay. Thanks for the great memories and thank you Hans, you were always very helpful.

Thursday, 02 May 2013


Erdem and Giselle moves out and Henning moves in

Wednesday, 03 April 2013


This fantastic gang lived in the house in the autumn 2012 and spring 2013